“A Bluegrass Christmas” is a Canadian holiday film released in 2024, directed by Marco Deufemia. The films main characters include Amanda Jordan as Katie Pendleton, David Pinard as Grant Breckenridge and Shaun Johnston who plays Ben Pendleton or popularly known as Old Hickory.
The family horse sanctuary owned by Katie Pendleton is about to go out of business due to the loss of one of its main sponsors. In a last effort to revive the horse sanctuary, Katie initially collaborates with the son to the sponsor to help them persuade a legendary Blue Grass musician and her grandfather as well, – Ben Pendleton to take the stage at his Christmas benefit concert. Angry with the old scars and filled with frayed nerves, they attempt to pull together the family and the community in order to save the sanctuary from closing.
- Amanda Jordan as Katie Pendleton
- David Pinard as Grant Breckenridge
- Shaun Johnston as Ben “Granddaddy” Pendleton
- Chelsea Green as Claire Crosby
- Rick Amsbury as Don Pendleton
- Stephanie Moore as Sarah Pendleton
- Mike Shara as Jim Breckenridge
Every part of the present blue grass genre Christmas songs including ‘”Poor Wayfaring Stranger”, “Jingle Bells”, “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” and “O, Come All Ye Faithful” is richly presented in the movie. The cast is well portrayed as doing enough to credibly come alive in the film while the vocal talent of Amanda Jordan’s voice is exposed quite well unto the movie.
Release and Reception
‘A Bluegrass Christmas’ was unveiled on the UPtv Channel on the December 1st, 2024, at 7:00 PM ET. Many consider the film strong in its music and story, factors that are renowned the world over.
The film can also be accessed via streaming services like Amazon Prime Video and UP Faith and Family. Likewise, it can be both rented and bought from digital stores.
Personal Insights
‘A Bluegrass Christmas’ balances storytelling and bluegrass sound perfectly to depict a warm feeling on Christmas day. The movie talks about bringing families back together, supporting community values, and the impact of music over people during the festive period.
Cultural Significance
The movie captures an integral cultural part of Christmas, where it combines bluegrass culture with rural life and shows the significance of cultural values and family during the festive season.