Bloody Beggar

“Bloody Beggar” is an Indian Tamil-language comedy-drama exploratory film scheduled for release in 2024, directed by M. Sivabalan in his directorial debut. The film is captioned by Kavin Brenville, produced by Nelson Dilip Kumar under Filament Pictures, which also stars Redin Kingsley, Maruthi Prakashraj, Sunil Sukhada, and T. M. Karthik as supporting characters.


The plot follows Kavin, a resourceful beggar who fakes a number of handicaps to earn charity from the unsuspecting public, as he attempts to con many. His life changes in a rather bizarre fashion when he ever inadvertently finds himself trapped in the mansion of an actor who is now deceased. The will of the actor indicated that the majority of his estate would go to an out-of-wedlock son. In a fraudulent scheme, a Lawyer connives with one of the actor’s children and brings in the beggar as the father’s claim. This leads to a series of funny as well as shocking moments for the beggar as he tries to untangle this mess.


  • Kavin as the beggar
  • Redin Kingsley
  • Maruthi Prakashraj
  • Sunil Sukhada
  • T. M. Karthik


Shooting started off in December 2023 with the bulk of the work being done in Chennai and was completed in March 2024.

Jen Martin’s music added a new twist to the movie as it was the second time he collaborated with Kavin after Dada (2023). Before the film’s release, a few promotional tracks like “Naan Yaar” and “Beggar Waala” were also presented.

Release and Reception

To celebrate Diwali on October 31, 2024, Bloody Beggar was released worldwide but was unable to perform well due to other major films released at the same time. Critics were divided; Kavin’s role was applauded, but the storytelling, background music, and emotions were the weak points. The movie received a 3 out of 5 stars by The Times of India, citing that there were enjoyable moments in the film but it lost its grip on balance.

Box Office

The revenue turned out to be around ₹11 crore. It was still considered a let-down at the box office as there were many other films competing during the Diwali season.

Home Media

The channels that aired the satellite version of the Show were acquired by Sun TV, while Amazon Prime video purchased the Digital version. Seeds of the Bloody Beggar was released on Prime Video on November 29, 2024.

Personal Insights

With Bloody Beggar, the filmmakers intend to fuse the elements of black humor and societal issues, tackling the topics of fraud and double standards. Kavin’s performance is ideal; unfortunately, the film is ruined by poor plot and tonal pacing.

Cultural Significance

The film is in line with the trend of Tamil films which are attempting to go beyond conventional plots and characters in order to contribute something new to the industry.