Three Wiser Men and a Boy

Presented by the Hallmark Channel, “Three Wiser Men and a Boy” is an original Christmas movie set to release in 2024 and directed by the renowned Terry Ingram. Following the success of Peter DeLuise’s “Three Wise Men and a Baby,” this sequel brings together the Brenner brothers as they attempt to manage family and holiday traditions amid a fresh storyline.


Five years after their first adventure, the Brenner brothers are anticipating yet another unforgettable Christmas. When the teacher for Luke’s boy Thomas’ school Christmas Pageant collapses, Luke convinces his brothers Taylor and Stephan to help him stage the performance, no matter the cost. At the same time, they also deal with the mess that is their mother Barbara’s new boyfriend and consequently end up having a Christmas that is fun, touching, and full of family.

Cast & Crew

  • Director: Terry Ingram
  • Writers: Paul Campbell, Russell Hainline, Kimberley Sustad
  • Cast:
  • Paul Campbell as Stephan Brenner
  • Tyler Hynes as Taylor Brenner
  • Andrew Walker as Luke Brenner
  • Margaret Colin as Barbara Brenner
  • Miles Marthaller as Thomas Brenner

Critical Reception

One of the strengths of the movie has been its humor alongside its touching scenes that the lead actors managed to pull quite well. According to Decider, it’s a film that should be watched considering it’s a nice combination of laughter, good emotions, and festive fun.

Cultural Significance

Three Wiser Men and a Boy’ ‘most importantly continues the trend that Hallmark started which is putting out family-friendly stories that show love, family bonding and self-discovery during Christmas. It does so by making the central focus of the movie” Christmas” males along with their character development which is rather new to the holiday film and quite interesting for the audience who are in search of charming tales during the festive season.


The movie was aired for the very first time on Hallmark Channel on November 23, 20204, at 8/7c. The film can also be streamed online on Hallmark channels and might be available on demand for other cable service providers as well.