“The Price of Money: A Largo Winch Adventure” is an Olivier Masset-Depasse directed action-thriller film that was produced by French-Belgian filmmakers and is set to be released on 2024. The Largo Winch saga centring around the island billionaire adventurer continues in this third feature of the Largo Winch film series.
After the abduction of his son, Largo Winch (Tomer Sisley)’s despair is replaced by will looking to punish all those who’ve brought him into this dire situation, theorizing that such actions will help him find his son. It is this same journey that pulls him into a world of backstabbing and revenge.
- Tomer Sisley as Largo Winch
- James Franco as Ezio Burntwood, the main antagonist
- Clotilde Hesme as Chloé Riva
- Élise Tilloloy
- Denis O’Hare
- Narayan David Hecter as Noom
- Koen De Bouw
- Supachai ‘Flint’ Girdsuwan
- Phoonsap ‘Otto’ Banyong
Filming for this movie first begun in February of the year 2023 with china being one of the locations of choice for the production. The film was produced under 17 million dollars.
Release and Reception
The film first screened in France on July 31, 2024, followed by a Belgian release on August 7 and its Russia and Kuwait launch on August 28. The film did have an enormous budget, but it managed to earn a low worldwide gross income of $3.6 million. Response to the film has been described to be lukewarm; some reviewers commended its action parts while others thought it was a bit too bland compared to earlier films released in the series.
At the moment, ‘Figure 4: The Price of Money. Largo Winch’s Adventure’ can be watched on Prime Video. It is important to note that the availability of this content may differ from one region to another, and it is recommended to check with other local streaming services for its availability.
Personal reflections
Now this particular edition goes further into the life of Largo Winch, where he has to juggle his corporate duties with family matters. The character in fact is attempted to be updated for the film as there are certain challenges that are more befitting of a contemporary billionaire.
Cultural significance
The film depicts wealth, power and loss of self for the greater good, ideal for the ongoing debates around corporate governance and accountability of individuals.