“Süper İncir,” is a 2013 example of a Turkish comedy, undertaken by a certain Kerem Sarı. Through the combination of several genres, such as fantasy and humor, the picture achieves a most unorthodox technique of fusing history with the modern world.
In ancient times, Seikilos decides to suicide and entrusts the mummification of himself and his dead lover Euterpe to his Egyptian specialists. Several centuries later, Aegean shepherd manages to accidentally discover the tomb of Seikilos and resurrects him from the dead. The first thing he does when he gets up is looking around inside a ball and seeing that Euterpe’s gravesite is gone. Driven by the desire to find her, he takes off on a series of quests. His journeys cut across those of Mustafa and Hatice, bringing about an unforeseen series of adventures.
Cast & Crew
- Director: Kerem Sarı
- Writer: Kerem Sarı
- Cast:
- Umut Oğuz as Seikilos
- Gülnihal Demir as Nilüfer
- Volkan Baş as Mustafa
- Ece Yentur as Hatice
- Nihat Kapız as Çamur Şevket
Production Notes
“Süper İncir” was filmed in Aydin, Turkey with the intention of capturing the beauty of Aydın figs and some historical sites. The film is both a humorous and a story and a cultural appreciation for some of history that belongs to Aydin.
Critical Reception
The film garnered unfavorable reviews from different quarters, some applauding its originality and emphasis on specific regions, while others lambasted its implementation. It has a rating of 4.3 out of 10 on IMDb based on a cumulation of 258 votes.
Cultural Significance
With respect to Turkish cinema and regional narratives in particular, “Süper İncir” aids by fusing local myths and historical aspects. The movie features Aegan culture, more specifically, Aydin region, particularly the figs and the cultural and historical importance of the region.
There are many online platforms, including Youtube where “Süper İncir” can be viewed. For example, full episodes of the Fanatik Klasik Film channel can be readily available.