Killer God is a Canadian horror-anthology film written and directed by Stasch Radwanski Jr. This film narrates the blended story of supernatural horror and mysticism against the cold and emotional Canadian white winter landscape in the very cold deep continental winter
In the Basilica mountain ranges of Canada, the holy Balinese idols are disrespectfully touched which leads to the pagan gods getting furious let loose on the people who were responsible. Professor Rufus Elkin attempts to avert the wrath of the deities but in a flash he realizes that it is more than a danger it is a curse in the form of grimness that is passed around.
Cast & Crew
- Director: Stasch Radwanski Jr.
- Writer: Stash J. Radwanski
- Cast:
- Frank J. Zupancic as Professor Rufus Elkin
- Virginia Leigh as Charlize Elkin
- Jim Armstrong as Gord Cooper
- Samantha Brown as Kylee Brunsen
Production Notes
The film origins from Academy One Productions where Chris Agoston was the producer. Not only was Stasch H. Radwanski Jr. the director of the film, but he also wrote and shot the film as well. This shows how much commitment and participation was in the film.
Critical Reception
Killer God has been rated 4.3 out of 10 and has been downplayed in viewership thanks to all the negative heuristics that come with it, viewers have rated it to be 1.8 or 1.9 out of 5 stars where others loved the idea behind the concept and the specific scenes in the film. It has received mixed reviews.
Cultural Importance
The picture depicts not only the violation of cultures but also the revenge administered by the otherworldly powers on those who do not regard the value of divine things. It invites reflection upon how contemporary behavior impacts, violates, and profanes archaic beliefs and practices.
To Watch
“Killer God” can be streamed on a number of platforms. One such channel is Youtube where it can be watched in its entirety.