
“Ballistic” is a 2024 action crime thriller from the United Kingdom which Ranjeet S. Marwa directed, while among the film’s central themes are revenge, justice, and the psychological consequences that follow in the wake of personal loss.


Beck is a homeless war veteran, and learns that the person who murdered his sister is free from prison a little too soon. This makes him embark on a path to vengeance as he looks upon his life history, his torturous past and questioning the ethics of vengeance.

Cast & Crew

  • Director: Ranjeet S. Marwa
  • Writer: Ranjeet S. Marwa
  • Cast:
  • James Jaysen Bryhan in the role of Beck
  • Carl Wharton
  • Damien Lanceley
  • Christopher Torretto

IMDb Ratings

As of this time “Ballistic” retains a 5.9 out of ten rating on the site IMDb according to 19 users’ reviews.

Personal Insights

‘Ballistics’, is an interesting embodiment of critical attitudes dealing with reality, where social relations prevent one man from passing up an easier means of obtaining justice. The role of Beck, played by James Jaysen Bryhan is quite compelling, he perfectly manages to demonstrate the inner struggles the character faces during the movie along with his determination. The plot development of the movie manages well to balance action parts with more and more complicated characters revealing internal conflict and drive throughout the movie.

Cultural Significance

The film covers such topics like the rehabilitation process for veterans, the shortcomings of the legal system, and how vigilantism can be justifiable. The picture “Ballistic,” dealing with a peripheral view of its protagonist, draws audience attention towards societal consequences of individual fights and makes one defend the social issues of veterans and the rightfulness of self-targeting violence.

To sum up, “Ballistic” simply has to be an action film that also has plenty to say of character development that isn’t always easy to come across in such films. It delves into complicated issues that are likely to be seen as the main storyline rather than the background in a more typical action film.