“A New Kind of Wilderness,” a Norwegian film set for release in 2024, is a work by Silje Evensmo Jacobsen. The film holds a close depiction of a family that seeks to live a self sufficient life in the Norwegian wilderness and the struggles that come after an undesired turn of events.
The documentary focuses on a family of Payne – comprising Maria, Nik and their four children, namely Ulv, Falk, Freja and Ronja – who are living in off the grid areas in the countryside of Norway. They have decided to teach their children at home and aim to live in peace with the nature. But their quiet lives are irrevocably changed by an unforeseen catastrophe which forces them to deal with the hurdles of the modern world and their loss.
Awards & Wins
The movie “A New Kind of Wilderness” is directed by Silje Evensmo Jacobsen and has won the Grand Jury Prize for Documentary at the Sundance Film Festival where it premiered. Many people have praised the film for its interesting and rather touching narrative along with a strong theme of surviving against all odds.
Cast & Crew
– Director: Silje Evensmo Jacobsen
– Producer: Mari Bakke Riise
– Sound Designer: Yngve Leidulv Sætre
– Voice Narration: Henriette Faye-Schjøll, Siw Laurent
IMDb Ratings
For the time being, one of the best documentaries about extreme nature would seem to be “A New kind of Wilderness” which is rated 7.7/10 from 774 votes on IMDb.
Personal Insights
The film beautifully interprets the circumstances around the Payne family’s life, depicting aspects of love, loss, and transformation. It provokes introspective thoughts regarding man’s relationship with nature, the definition of family, and the existence of life post loss. The Norwegian landscape is effectively depicted through the cinematography and adds to the film’s emotional appeal.
Cultural Significance
In this sense, the filmmaking practices of the Payne family, as the film illustrates, are not practiced among many and have unique hurdles. It makes one think about the norms of society, the place of man within the environment, as well as the individual task of dealing with tragedies.
A New Kind of Wilderness can be seen at a select few cinemas and will soon be accessible on numerous more platforms. For the most up to date information on availability, please consult the respective broadcast sources, or streaming sites.