When the Sky Falls

“When the Sky Falls” is a Canadian production drama drama from the year 2015. It was directed by John L’Ecuyer. Jamie, an ozone researcher , is character played by Mike Dopud. His excessive work abilities damaged the relationships with his family. Both him and his new lover and ex-wife take their kids for a weekend at one of the cabins. However, all hell breaks loose when a lighting storm hits their region and this makes the family who are already spliited up have to work together to survive the storm. This traumatic events reorients them and they restore their appreciation of each other and their family ties.

The cast includes:

  • Jamie as Mike Dopud
  • Charlotte as Alaina Huffman
  • Megan as Krista Bridges
  • Liam as Daniel Magder
  • Kylie as Rachael Whitzman
  • Bailey as Eva Link
  • Milly as Mimi Kuzyk
  • Nigel as Ron Lea

The movie describes how families work, survive and come together after conflict, even in the case when conflict was triggered by a natural disaster. It shows how pressure from external situations can make people to face their own challenges and fix whatever needs to be fixed.

The film “When the Sky Falls” can be viewed in Tubi and Prime Video streaming.