“Beatles ’64” is a film directed by David Tedeschi and produced by Martin Scorsese in the year 2024. This particular movie centers on the visit of The Beatles for the first time in the United States back in February 1964, a landmark occasion which had a great impact on US culture. It includes precious and rare, outtakes filmed by Albert and David Maysles which has been restored in 4k quality. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr in the film make the viewers understand what happened to them and the other members of the group in real time during the American tour with their recent interviews.
On November 29, 2024, Season 1 Episode 1 of Beatles ’64 was launched on Disney+ and it can be viewed only on this channel in streaming mode.
The band members and the whole of the Beatlemania times were ideally displayed in the film and as such has received praises. The Times reported that the film “showed the hysteria of fans about the first concert of the band in the USA” recalling the level of anxiety which had never ever been seen before.