Orango is a film produced in 2023 and directed by Samuel Kay Forrest. The film depicts two siblings Titina and her brother Eny who is a painter, living in Berlin, who begin a moving journey westwards in Africa . After fleeing the civil strife in Guinea-Bissau for seventeen years and the death of their mother, their kids return to their roots in hope of reconnecting and healing.
Cast & Crew
- Director: Samuel Kay Forrest
- Cast:
- Staniel Ferreira impersonates Eny
- Stephanie Ferreira impersonates Titina
- Zdenka Brezavscek impersonates Stepmother
- Mario Funi impersonates Tió
- Yolanda Funi impersonates Tia Landa
- Tozé Lacatos impersonates Cousin
- Thompson Sawer impersonates Matche Jawara
- Nzinga Mbande impersonates Young Mother
- Marla Stock impersonates Juliet
Production Details
- Runtime: 1 hour 34 minutes
- Country: Germany
- Languages: Portuguese, English
- Alternate Title: Voices of My Ancestors
Personal Insights
Orango brings about a discourse of themes such as belonging and roots. The story has a visual background of the different geographical areas of West Africa and the people of those regions, thus enhancing the viewers’ understanding of the story’s center, the feeling of being lost and the search for such tranquility.
Cultural Significance
As they bring out the intimate aspects of war and exile, the story told in Orango resonates with the larger issue of diaspora and the quest for home. Its emphasis on the history of Guinea Bissau and the injustices experienced by the diasporas enrich one’s appreciation of the cultural and historical aspects of the region.