“Revenge of the Snakes” (Yılanların Öcü) is a pioneering Turkish realistic drama that was directed by Metin Erksan in 1962, which is an adaptation of a novel by Fakir Baykurt. The movie goes into the issues faced by Anatolian villagers such as land rights, injustice, and the power of people’s will, with a specific focus on a typical village in rural Anatolia as its backdrop.
In the plot, Fikret Hakan plays Kara Bayram, a villager living with mother Irazca (played by Aliye Rona) and wife Hatcе (acted by Nurhan Nur). They together lead a normal life until their neighbor, Haceli (played by Erol Taş), starts building a house that blocks their sight and access. Tension arises and metamorphoses into a struggle – between communal claim and individual resistance to a conservative society.
- Kara Bayram is played by Fikret Hakan
- Hatcе is played by Nurhan Nur
- Irazca is played by Aliye Rona
- Haceli is played by Erol Taş
- Ak Ali is portrayed by Kadir Savun
- The Headman is portrayed by Ali Şen
Themes and Style
In a realistic manner in which things are difficult in village life, he explains the infernal chaos of the society as well. The nature of the film’s title metaphorically sets forth the cause of the various stresses that lay dormant and complaints that are unheard of, which are in essence the snakes that seek vengeance.
Critical Reception
The story line and the social commentary in ‘Revenge of the Snakes’ has been praised. It has a rating of 7.7/10 on Imdb which indicates that the film really had a valuable contribution in the Turkish film sector. Such films where land conflicts and moral dilemmas are addressed by the characters can be termed relevant that offers an insight on the social order.
The importance of the film warranted a 1985 remake featuring Fatma Girik and Kadir İnanır and a 2014 television series adaptation featuring Ceyda Ateş and Hande Soral. Such remakes present the fact that the story is still as relevant today and how it is an active part of the Turkish narrative.
‘Revenge of the Snakes’ can be viewed or streamed through websites which have the collection of classic Turkish movies as of November 2024. For those living in Delhi, India, it is recommended to look into film festival schedules or local streaming sites for access.